By: Melissa S. Doolan, Esq.
Municipalities are now allowed to adopt reasonable rules regarding short-term rentals as the legislature seeks to strike a balance between allowing owners to use their home as a short-term rental and to the concerns of residents that such short-term rental use disturbs the peace of the neighborhood. The rules must be tailored to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the municipality’s residents. Travis Law Firm has compiled a quick reference guide for Associations to determine whether the City or Town listed has adopted any rules regarding short-term rentals. This is intended as a short reference for many municipalities in Maricopa County and is not a comprehensive list of all rules adopted or all municipalities in Arizona.
Notification: Single Family Homes: adjacent, directly across from and diagonally across from the STR / Condo: same floor, *STR: Short-Term Rental, **ER: Emergency
The information provided herein is for reference purposes only, is general in nature, and is not intended as legal advice. For specific questions or legal issues regarding your association, please contact us at 480-219-3633.